Hello there! I’m Christian Schildhorn, a proud father of two wonderful kids, and I’m fortunate to have the best wife in the world. I currently reside in Gommersheim, Germany, and enjoy the simple pleasures of family life.

During the day, you can find me working in the Mobile Solutions & Intelligent Experience team as a Solution Architect at BASF Digital Solutions GmbH, located in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Specifically, I’m a part of the Office Mobile product team, where our primary focus is on Endpoint Management for Android and iOS/iPadOS devices. Additionally, I provide support to another amazing product team, where we handle macOS management. Together, we successfully manage over 100,000 devices, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Feel free to reach out and stay connected with me through Mastodon, my preferred social platform – you can find the link in the bottom left. I’d love to hear from you! Please keep in mind that the views expressed on this website and my Mastodon account are solely my own and may not necessarily align with the views of my employer. Let’s maintain a positive and enjoyable conversation!